Tuesday, February 19, 2019

5 Marks of a Healthy Church Planter

A new eBook for church planters is now available: 5 Marks of a Healthy Church Planter.

From Chapter 1: "Church planters who have missional hearts to share the gospel sometimes fail to take care of their own lives first. They can preach the gospel to others, but not apply it to themselves.

"A church planter who fails to be a disciple who is growing in his understanding and application of the gospel is like the passenger on the plane who forgets to put on the oxygen mask. The gospel is like oxygen. It is life-giving, not only at the beginning of our Christian lives, but every single day we live and serve.

"So, don’t forget to put on your oxygen mask on first."

Click here for your free download.

The chapters/writers are...

Disciple, Rick Duncan 
Shepherd, Jamie Limato 
Missionary, Peyton Jones 
Multiplier, Charles Campbell 
Collaborator, Brad Brisco

Perhaps you could read a chapter a day as a part of your daily devotional life. This is a good introduction to the life and calling of a church planter.


What other resources would you recommend for a church planter or a prospective church planter to read in order to stay healthy?

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