Monday, June 26, 2017

5 Simple Steps toward Becoming an Everyday Missionary

Sometimes, we think missionaries have to be super well-trained and educationally qualified. 
While that MIGHT help, what we really need is to feel empowered to share. And the Lord Himself has empowered us all. He said that we would be His witnesses and that He would be with us in the Person of His Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8). We all have what it takes. 
So, how do we get started?
1. Start wondering about the spiritual condition of everyone you see. 
Make yourself do it—ask in your mind, “I wonder if that bank teller knows Jesus.” Or the convenience store clerk. Or your neighbor. Or your co-worker. Or that driver who cut you off in traffic. Learn to see people as Jesus did, as sheep without a shepherd.
2. Focus on five non-believers you know, and pray every day for them. 
Ask God to open their blinded minds to hear the gospel (2 Cor. 4:3-4). Your daily praying – even if it’s brief – will deepen your burden for people to know Jesus.
3. Every day, tell somebody you know something good about the Lord. 
All of us can speak about the way God cares for us. Even if all you say is, “The Lord has been really good to me today,” that’s a start. If you speak about Jesus at least once each day, you’ll learn to speak more.
4. Find a question (or two) that you can use to begin gospel conversations. 
When you don't know how to get a new life conversation started, here are five simple questions that you could use.
How can I pray for you?
Do you have much of a spiritual background?
How would you describe your spiritual journey?
How do you make the most important decisions in your life?
Sometime I'd like to share with you what's most important in my life. Would that be ok?
5. Be ready to share the good news in a simple, non-threatening way. 
At CVC, we use the 3 circles Life Conversation Guide. It's not easy. After all, this is spiritual warfare. But it’s simple. 3 circles. 3 arrows. 9 words. And you can share so that someone can come to faith in Jesus.
(Thanks to Chuck Lawless for 1-3.)

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