Friday, August 18, 2017

7 Ways Visionary Leaders Gain Fresh Vision from God

How does a leader find fresh vision from God? 

Here are 7 tools that visionary leaders have used to gain life-giving direction from God. Included are 3 blank spaces for you to provide your own ideas.

1. Reflecting on the biblical pictures/metaphors/images of a redeemed humanity.
2. Connecting with lost people in your ministry focus area.
3. Assessing your present situation and identifying a better future.
4. Revisiting your own past hopes, dreams, and visionary statements.
5. Reading the biographies of great men and women from the past.
6. Spending time with other visionary leaders.
7. Visiting other churches or ministries.
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Which of these ideas has proven most useful to you in the past? How so?

Which of these ideas seems most challenging to you? Why?

Which of these ideas do you think God might be calling to implement next?

When and how will you take action?

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