Wednesday, May 10, 2017

An Evangelistic Self-Assessment Tool

Self-assessment is a powerful tool we can use to help ourselves and others grow in various disciplines of the Christian life.

This week, I am leading the Cleveland staff of Youth for Christ in evangelism training. To help create a hunger for learning more about the topic, I developed a self-assessment tool.

Why not take it for a test drive for yourself and for your team?

Personal Evangelism Self-Assessment Tool

10   – Very much true of me
7 – Typically true of me
5 – Moderately true of me
3 – Sometimes true of me
1 – Rarely true of me

___ I often ask God to increase my burden for those who are lost.  
___ I regularly, systematically pray for non-believers I know and ask the Lord to help me win them.  
___ I intentionally maintain relationships with non-believers in order to share my story.
___ I routinely show hospitality to people who are far from God 
___ I look for opportunities to turn routine conversations into gospel conversations.  
___ I routinely share my story about my faith in Christ with non-believers.
___ I have learned and can articulate an effective method of sharing the gospel story.    
___ I have memorized 8-10 verses that I use in my evangelistic conversations. 
___ I help others understand how to effectively share the gospel message.
___ My actions and lifestyle demonstrate that I am genuinely committed to the Great Commission.

___ My score

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