How now should we live?
Here is a short conversation guide to use
with your church staff to help your team process the 2016 election results.
Read aloud the
following short article.
Most of us are concerned about
the unity of our local church and the unity of the Church in our nation. After
such an exhausting and exasperating election, we know that not all true believers
are feeling the same about the outcome.
You likely have friends - all
passionate followers of Christ - who woke up feeling very, very differently the
day after the 2016 election.
There is a sizable number of
passionate Christ-followers who voted for Trump mainly because of
SCOTUS/pro-life issues even though his bullying, locker room-ish, sexist
persona was deeply offensive to them.
There also is a sizable number
of passionate Christ-followers who voted for Hillary because to them being
pro-life means not only caring for the unborn, but caring about gun control and
caring for those who are suffering from various kinds of social injustices.
Finally, there is a sizable
number of passionate Christ-followers who, despite the knowledge that a
non-vote for one was a vote for the other, could not bring themselves vote for
either candidate - who wrote in names like Mike Pence or Bernie Sanders.
So, how now do we live in
unity? How do we create a church culture where Democrats, Independents, and Republicans
all feel welcomed and valued?
2. Ask the group, “Have you have
conversations with people in your life who have differing views?” Give space and time for 2-3
people to share. Use follow-up questions to hear more details about their
stories: How do you feel you handled that conversation? What did you feel you
did well? How could you have handled it better?” The goal here is to create
3. Set up 5 Post-its and markers around
the room. Divide the staff team into groups of 5. Ask each group to develop and
record Biblical Principles that will help the church maintain the unity of the
Spirit in the bond of peace.
Give them 5-7 minutes to develop their lists.
Biblical Principles:
Being a peacemaker.
Key verses: Matthew 5:9,
Romans 12:18
Biblical Principles:
Listening to the other point of view.
Key verses: Proverbs 17:28-29:
Proverbs 18:2, 13
Biblical Principles:
Speaking the truth in love.
Key verses: Ephesians
Biblical Principles:
Creating a climate of unity.
Key verses: Ephesians 4:1-3
Becoming an instrument of peace.
Key verses: Titus 3:1-2
Gather the
entire staff around the 5 Post-its – one Post-it at a time. Have a spokesman
for each group explain the principles. Ask the entire group follow-up questions, such as, “What principles do you like most and why?
What do you think you needed to be reminded of? How would following these
principles play out in our current church climate? Which do you think we need
to practice most at our church and why?”
Restate some
of the most significant principles for the entire group. Focus on 3-5 key points that you want your staff to
remember the most. You might give them the opportunity to write these down.
Close your
time in prayer – praying for the unity of your church and praying for our
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