Sunday, November 20, 2016

How Now Shall We Live? An Open Letter to America's Churches

Shared with the members of Cuyahoga Valley Church on Sunday morning November 20, 2016.


This past Tuesday, I spent two hours in a post-election meeting with about 80-90 African-American pastors because I wanted to hear their heart, feel their concern, and understand their perspective. I’ve been friends with some of those black pastors for almost 20 years.

They feel scared, marginalized, unheard, and unwelcomed in certain Christian circles.

That breaks my heart. But, more importantly, when anyone for whom Christ died doesn’t feel welcomed or safe in one of His churches, it must break His heart even more.

We know that not all true believers are feeling the same about the outcome of this past election.

Some voted for Trump mainly because of SCOTUS/pro-life issues even though his bullying, locker room-ish, sexist persona was deeply offensive to them.

Others voted for Hillary because to them being pro-life means not only caring for the unborn, but caring about gun control and caring for those who are suffering from various kinds of social injustices.

And some, despite the knowledge that a non-vote for one was a vote for the other, could not bring themselves vote for either candidate - who wrote in names like John Kasich or Bernie Sanders.

So, how do we create a church culture here at CVC where Democrats, Independents, and Republicans all feel welcomed and valued? 

Seek first Christ’s kingdom. Matthew 6:33

Be a model of civility and respect. Titus 3:1-2

Listen to the other point of view. Proverbs 17:28-29; Proverbs 18:2, 13

Be a peacemaker. Matthew 5:9, Romans 12:18

Create a climate of unity. Ephesians 4:1-3

Put 100% of your trust in God. Psalm 20:7; Jeremiah 17:5-7

Pursue justice in love. Ephesians 4:15-16; Micah 6:8

Maintain a missionary mindset. John 3:16, I Corinthians 9:19-23

Process this individually. Give yourself a grade. Talk through these principles as a family.

If the results of the election have caused you to be angry, concerned, scared, please hear this: You’re not wrong for feeling the way you feel. We want you to know you are welcome here. This is not a church for Republicans. This is a church for the world. God so loved the world!!!

If your anxiety level dropped 10 or 15 or 25% because of the result of this past election, then you need to repent of idolatry. You’re trusting in Trump more than in God.

To everyone: “Stop thinking that you stand alone on some moral high ground!” Be civil. Ask questions. Show respect. If you are saying that any evangelical who voted for Trump is an ignorant, racist woman-hater, please don’t. If you are gloating or wearing a Trump t-shirt or a Make America Great Again hat that you know offends and divides, please stop it.

Put God before country and God before party and God before your political opinion!

I Corinthians 9 tells us to become all things to all people so that by all means we might win some. Winning people to Jesus is more important than winning people to your point of view.

Many of those outside the church – that we have been called to reach for Jesus – are angry or even scared. Can we make room in our hearts and room in our church for them? Can we let them know that their feelings are not wrong? Can we let them know that they are welcome? I think we can.

Jesus came to seek and save the lost, many of whom did not dot their “I”s or cross their “T”s the way He did. Truth doesn’t come from the right or the left. Truth comes from above.

As a staff, we are not just here for some of you. We are here for all of you. Our Lead Pastor, Chad Allen, says, “This is such a critical time for the people of God to show their true colors - that we are more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ than our own political persuasion, that we obey God’s commands to listen to others even if they have a differing opinion, that we love others even if they are different than us.”

To the “God is for Trump” crowd AND to the “God is for Hillary” crowd, listen: God is for God. God is for those who hurt. And God is for all people to come to repentance – red and yellow, black and white, male and female, East coast liberals and Middle American conservatives, heartland folks and refugees, Boomers and Millennials. Our love for God and for each other has to be greater than our politics.

Please know that our community needs your perspective if we are going to truly be the body of Christ that Jesus wants us to be. You are valued. You are welcomed. And you matter to me, to our staff, to our church, and, of course, to our God.”

Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus. Let’s use our hands and feet to work together for justice and liberty for all.

Now is the time to build community out of chaos. Now is the time is for great humility, great civility, great listening, great leadership, great missionary living, great discipling, and great love.

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