Saturday, August 31, 2019

10 Truths to Move You from Feeling Like an Unappreciated Employee to a Beloved Child

Are you living… 

1) as a joyful Beloved Child of God - a grace-fueled, no-shame, free-from-condemnation life? 


2) as an unappreciated employee of God - a "do-more, try-harder, earn-God's-pleasure" kind of life?

The second is a life of pressure, performance, and pain. The first is a life of love, joy, and peace.


Here's a little self-assessment. Grade yourself on a scale of 1-10, 10 being high.

___ My life in Christ is not about what I can do to make myself worthy of His acceptance; but it's about daily trusting in what Jesus has already done for me to make me worthy of HIs acceptance.

___ I have found in Jesus a Person so safe that even when the worst about me is known, I don't feel loved less, but I feel loved even more.

___ When I sin, I am quickly able to remind myself that Jesus invites me to live with the conscious awareness that I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

___ Because I am in Christ, I no longer try to appease a god who is growing more and more impatient with me; instead, I enjoy the God who knows me, accepts me, loves me, and approves of me.

___ Instead of picturing my sin as an ugly mountain between us that causes God to be displeased with me, I picture myself with Jesus, His arm around my shoulder, my sin in front of us, working on overcoming it together.

___ I no longer believe that Jesus is somewhat disappointed with me; instead, I believe Jesus loves me and enjoys me all the time.

___ I enjoy spending time with God because I know He enjoys spending time with me.

___ I trust who Jesus says I am - forgiven and clothed in His righteousness - even when I have sinned greatly and feel I least deserve it.

___ I know that I have great worth apart from my performance because Christ gave His life for me and, therefore, imparted great value to me.

___ I know that I am deeply loved, fully pleasing, totally forgiven, accepted and complete in Christ.

___ Your score

Where did you score highest? How did you come to see yourself this way? Where did you score lowest? How do you think this low score has impacted your walk with Christ - your level of love, joy, and peace? What are some steps you can take to grow in your understanding of what it means to be a Beloved Child?


Note: This self-assessment was built from truths found in Romans 8 and from applications of Romans 8 found in books "The Search for Significance" and "The Cure."

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