Monday, January 18, 2016

This Is Your Life


Today's post is by Dwight Short, a long-time friend and member of Cuyahoga Valley Church. Dwight is now a financial consultant with DLS Consulting in the Tampa Bay area. Dwight sends out a Monday Morning Message each week and graciously allowed me to post this week's message on my blog. 

Monday Morning Message, January 18, 2016

One of the most popular programs in the early days of television was a show called “This Is Your Life”.  Host Ralph Edwards would somehow surprise people with the news that this night was going to be special because all the viewers were going to be able to catch a glimpse of someone’s life story.  All sorts of friends and family members would show up behind a curtain and offer clues as to when and how they influenced the honored guest thru their lifetimes.  The honoree would try to guess who the person was and then they would walk out to hug and reminisce together. 

In this time of year, many references to life appear as a consequence to the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.  The result of our country’s policies on abortion has resulted in the slaughter of more than 61 million children.  Society has lost scholars, scientists, athletes, doctors, teachers, mechanics, and countless numbers of creative artists who might have made our lives better.  None of these millions of aborted children will ever have the chance to hear the words, “This is your life”!  What can we do about this?  Here are five things we all can do:

1. Pray
2. Talk
3. Vote
4. Volunteer  
5. Give

I would expand these ideas for you but I would rather you hear a message from Bob & Pam Tebow who shared them with us on a recent visit to Cuyahoga Valley Church.  Please set aside some time to listen:

Psalms 127:3-4 (RSV) “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons of one’s youth.

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