Tuesday, January 05, 2016

7 key questions leaders use for transformational training

Mac Lake has been leading an Auxano Leadership Pipeline co::LAB in Columbus, Ohio. I've been helping just a little. We are looking forward to our 4th of 6 Leadership Pipeline co:LAB sessions this Thursday, January 7th at LifePoint Church.

A Leadership Pipeline co::LAB equips leaders to develop a process to create a harvest of multiplying leaders within a church. Churches learn how to intentionally and strategically help people move through the lead self, lead others, lead leaders, lead departments, and lead organization stages. To learn more about the co::LAB,  click on this link

I recently had some great questions from one of our pastors in the co::LAB, Cory Hartman, related to the homework that each church is to have completed by this Thursday. Cory asked:   

Two questions:

1) Mac rattled off several sources (blogs, podcasts, etc.) that have an abundance of good content that can form the core of a training module. Is a list of those sources available?

2) Even as our various churches do the important, painstaking work of defining the core competencies of each position that are unique to each church, we are still likely to find overlapi.e., a competency for a position at Church A is similar to one at Church B. Is there or will there be a library of training modules in which all churches that have been trained by Macs schema are members? Im happy to accessorize an online article to make a good module, but if someone else already did one that fits what I need, Id rather use that.

I let Cory know that Mac has been on vacation and that he will probably weigh in on this after the first of the year. 

One plus of being in a co::LAB with 12 other churches is that the churches can all share content resources with one another. With 12 churches involved in the co::LAB, there should be some great content as well as the overlap that Cory suggested.

Then, I reminded Cory that content is important, but that it is not nearly as important as process.

Once you identify your core competencies for each of your leadership levels, then you can look for blog posts, sections from books, podcasts, video blogs, or other resources that are accessible for your people. Next, you just need to have transformational conversations around the material. 

Mac gave us an example of how to do that. Then, he gave us a foolproof set of questions that will be sure to help people move toward transformation.

Macs 7 transformational training questions

Seven Key Questions: How to Train for Transformation

1. What stood out to you the most?
2. What challenged you the most?
3. What questions did this article/podcast/video raise for you?
4. What leadership strengths did this affirm in you?
5. What growth areas did this reveal for you?
6. What are 3-5 action steps you need to take?
7. What accountability question would you like for me to ask you next time we meet?

Meanwhile, for access to content material, check out the following websites: LeaderU, Ministry Grid, Right Now Media, Will Mancini, and Tony Morgan

There may be a fee corresponding to the size of your congregation to join Right Now Media and Ministry Grid. For the blogs, you can make liberal use of the search engines to find topics that fit your church's DNA.

For information about signing up for the next co::LAB in Dayton, Ohio starting in April, click here.  

Question: What is your church doing to help people move through a leadership development process? 

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