Thursday, October 29, 2015

Love for Jesus: The unmistakable proof of your salvation

Are you loving Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Really?

Love for Jesus - which is a supernatural affection - has characteristics in common with natural affections like a husband for a wife or a mother for a child. 

Love for Jesus makes us want to honor and please Him as a good husband wants to love and please his wife. Love for Jesus makes us delight to hear from Him and be with Him as a mother delights to hear from her beloved child who has moved away from home. Love for Jesus makes us careful not to offend Him like a friend who cares for the feelings of a best friend. Love for Jesus makes us want to enjoy Him and makes want Him to enjoy us like a daughter who wants to make her daddy proud. 


I truly want to honor Jesus?
Am I living in a way that pleases Jesus?
Do I like to hear from Jesus? Do I long to be near Jesus?
Am I careful not to offend Jesus?
Do I truly enjoy Jesus?
Am I living so that Jesus will honestly enjoy me?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please pour into my heart a supernatural affection for You. Amen.

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