Saturday, May 23, 2015

New Life in Christ in Western Ukraine... again

Tonight, in a small Gypsy camp church in Gat, Wetern Ukraine, my friend and fellow missionary, Rich Profant, shared the gospel by teaching through the 3 circles life conversation guide. We had some helpers who posted the words on the diagram in Hungarian, the language that the people here speak.

Afterwards, I spoke about Zacchaeus and how the rejected are accepted in Christ from Luke 19:1-10. The little man was rejected, accused, and no doubt felt like he didn't measure up or fit in.

It's the way many Gypsies feel. They are the outcasts in this culture. 

A notoriously abusive alcoholic, Zoltan, was present. 4 years earlier, his wife, Helen, had come to Christ and decided not to have an abortion because she was convinced that Jesus didn't want her to have one. She and many others have been praying for Zoltan since then. Emery and Clara have been sowing gospel seeds in Zoltan's life for a long time. 

Zoltan had asked that the service be moved from 5:00 to 6:00 so he could work and then attend. The leaders were so overjoyed that he might come, they changed the time. As it turned out, a very heavy rain fell at 5:00. If we had started the service then, many people could not have come. But at 5:55, the room started to fill. 

50 others were present. At the end of my message, I asked people to bow their heads and close their eyes. I gave opportunity for people to pray to receive Christ. I asked those who were already Christ-followers to pray for those who weren't. 

I then said, "If your prayed the prayer tonight to receive Jesus, then look up and make eye contact with Emery [our translator and their pastor] and me."

A 13 year old girl, two women, and one man looked up. 

The man's name? Zoltan. Tears filled my eyes. And Emery's. This was truly an answer to prayer. 

Praise God. Please pray that this seed will grow and grow from good soil as the leaders from the church follow up and invite him to their men's group for discipleship. 

Jesus makes all things new. He gives new life in Christ. He will make Zoltan a better man, a better husband, a better father. Jesus will change the trajectory of his life. Jesus won't take away anything from him except things like his brokenness, guilt, shame, sadness, and sin. Jesus will add joy, hope, peace, and love to his life. 

When Zoltan left, he gave Emery not one hug, but two. That's big news here. I believe that the angels are rejoicing in heaven. 

On earth, I am, too. 

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