Thursday, May 21, 2015

Joining Jesus in His Joy


It's the Hungarian word for joy.

I am in Western Ukraine on a mission trip. Most people in this part of the Ukraine speak Hungarian.

Tonight I spoke in a little Hungarian church from John 15 about joining Jesus on His mission and finding joy in the journey. He said, "By this is My Father glorified that you bear much fruit... If you abide in Me, you will bear much fruit... I chose you that you should go and bear fruit... These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have joy and that your joy might be made full"  (John 15:16, 11).

It's in abiding in Christ and bearing fruit through Christ and going for Christ that we glorify God and expereince great joy.

As I preached, a disabled girl, Elizabeth, was simply glowing, smiling, and soaring in spirit. Her wheelchair was not limiting her. It was a chariot of glory.

Her mother was our cook after the service. We ate stuffed cabbage with homemade sour cream. She was a gracious host who smiled and said that we honored her by eating her food. I sensed no trace of a burdened, care-giving soul within her. The laughs we shared at supper were deep and full. I marveled at our missionaries, Emery and Clara Laszlo, and their ease with the people. They obviously deeply enjoy the people they have been privileged to serve.

Afterwards, I asked Elizabeth where her joy came from. "It's a gift from God." Her smile was contagious, endearing, comforting, holy. I hugged her and kissed her forehead. I was in the presence of goodness, greatness, shalom, and true joy.

On a night when my message was about joy, God preached joy to me. Not with words. But from life.

Stop striving. Stop pressing. Stop being burdened. Look for the joy around you. It's there. Embrace. Kiss. Enjoy.


Join Jesus in His joy. And start today. 

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