Monday, May 18, 2015

A process to help leaders develop leaders

A golden opportunity has been coming together that I think will be high yield for several of Ohio’s multiplying churches.

We understand the need for developing leaders who develop leaders. But if we are honest, we often come up short in having the system and delivery vehicle for this cultivation to happen. We also know firsthand the toll a shortage of well-equipped and developed leaders takes on our bandwidth for direct church ministry, as well as in efforts to multiply and plant other churches.

This work isn’t easy. There are no silver bullets or magic potions for developing and equipping leaders. Further, in the list of our day-to-day responsibilities and priorities, what is most urgent and pressing tends to win out over what is best for the long haul of our churches.

That said, I want to invite you to seriously consider proactively engaging in changing that reality by coming together this fall with other multiplying churches around Ohio to participate in a six month leadership pipeline development process.

Starting this September, Mac Lake (pictured above), who works with Auxano and NAMB, will be leading a small band of Ohio multiplying churches in creating a customized leadership development process for their respective churches.

Over the last few months, I have been leading CVC through this process and it has been a home run for us.

Each church in the group will develop the structure, system, content, and principles to implement a leadership development process in their church and begin to positively change the trajectory for how full and equipped each’s leadership pool is.

The process will be hosted in Columbus at LifePoint Church one day a month for six months and will go from 10am – 3:00pm. The investment for each church will be $2,500. Each church can bring up to 4 key leaders to participate in the process. When a Lead Navigator from Auxano consults with one church at a time, the cost for the Leadership Pipeline process typically ranges from $15,000-$20,000 per church.

The process session dates are on Thursdays: September 3, October 1, November 12, January 7, February 11, March 10.

The six sessions will take place in a co::LAB environment. The learning will be continuous and collaborative (hence the double colon). It will be interactive in nature and distinctive in deliverables.

For some churches, participating in this process will be about building an intentional leadership pipeline for the first time, while for others it will be about re-tooling an existing pipeline that is dried up and needs new life.

Whichever case you find yourself in, I believe this is an investment worth making in both the dollars and time commitment it requires. This is a high challenge and high result opportunity.

Would you take an honest assessment of your church’s process for developing leaders and consider if you have the right system and structure in place to take you where you sense God leading and directing?

If you find you’re in a place that needs some strategic outside assistance, Auxano’s leadership development process could be the right fit for you and is an investment I would encourage you to be part of this fall.

What differentiates this offering from others is that this process applies simple, transferable principles to create an actionable strategy that advances and supports your church's mission. It is not a cookie cutter or copy/paste program but instead hinges on customization around your church's identity.

To help you determine your need and readiness for the co::LAB, I would encourage your church leadership to access the Leadership Pipeline Assessment which can be found here.

If you're interested in signing up to participate in the co::LAB, you can access the Auxano Consulting Services Agreement here. For more information, contact me, Rick Duncan, at

(Note: A special thanks to Brian Frye and Luke Francis for helping to compose this blog post.)

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