Thursday, July 25, 2019

30 Ways to Evaluate Your Health as a Church Planter: A Personal Self-Assessment

Evaluating Your Health as a Church Planter: A Personal Self-Assessment

Please use this tool to assess your health physically, emotionally, relationally, mentally, and spiritually. Give yourself a score on a scale of 1-10, 10 being high: 10 – Always, 7 – Usually, 5 – Sometimes, 3 – Rarely, 1 – Never.


___ I am a good steward of my body through healthy habits– exercise, rest, recreation, and eating in moderation.

___ I typically feel energized when I face my day. 

___ I have established an exercise routine that is life-giving to me. 

___ My weight has been stable at a healthy level over the last 12 months. 

___ Over the last 6 months, I typically have not had trouble sleeping: I usually feel well-rested when I wake up. 

___ Within the last 12 months, I have had a complete physical exam performed by a physician who has checked my blood-pressure and cholesterol levels.


___ Minor issues and disappointments in life do not make me irritable. 

___ In the last 6 months, I have regularly felt contentment, joy, and love rather than anxiety, worry, and fear.

___ I rarely feel fear, guilt, or shame because I do not blame myself for the negative things that have happened to me. 

___ When I repent of personal sin and imperfections, I do so without feelings of false guilt.

___ I often remind myself of my identity in Christ, that I have a great worth apart from my performance because Christ gave His life for me and imparted great value to me.

___ I have trusted friends with whom I can share my limitations and losses, my baggage from the past, and my feelings.


___ I am quick to forgive those who have hurt me as I honestly work through relational conflict.

___ I quickly admit my own personal errors and humbly seek the forgiveness of those I have wronged.

___ I consider personal feedback from others as an opportunity to grow.

___ I go out of the way to show love to people (particularly the last, the least, and the lost) in my everyday life.

___ I pray regularly for family members, friends, colleagues, and neighbors who do not yet know Christ.

___ In the last six months, I have led someone to put their faith and trust In Christ as Lord and Savior. 


___ I rarely have trouble focusing, concentrating, or remembering things.

___ I am able to focus on one task at a time at work. 

___ Because I know how to say “no,” I have life rhythms that enable me to live with margin at a sustainable pace.

___ I refresh my mind by regularly engaging in hobbies and recreation that give me joy. 

___ I regularly give myself mental challenges, learning new things to keep my mind sharp.

___ I regularly memorize passages of Scripture in order to fill my mind with God’s word.


___ My relationship with Christ is motivated by love rather than duty or fear.

___ I trust Christ for His help through any problem or crisis because I know that trials produce godly character.

___ I incorporate spiritual disciplines in my life without becoming legalistic.

___ I am learning more and more to abide in Christ for fruitful service.

___ I take steps of faith that require greater risk and greater faith and, therefore, model this risk-taking faith to others.

___ I have developed a heart of humility and a spirit of gratitude that results in worship and awe of a holy God.

What does this tell you about where and how you might need to growto become a more healthy church planter? Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How are you going to get there? What fears or obstacles are preventing you from getting there? Now create a plan for your next steps. Make sure your next steps are SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.  

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