Monday, June 03, 2019

How Does the Kingdom Come?

How does the Kingdom of God come?

If you were a farmer in Jesus’ day, you would carry a large bag of seed and reach in for handfuls as you walked along, scattering the seeds.

In Luke 8, Jesus uses a common seed scattering occurrence that everyone would understand. He tells us about the seed principle that is at work in His kingdom.

He said, “A farmer went out to sow his seed” as He explained how the kingdom comes.

Jesus is telling us how this kingdom happens. 

It doesn’t happen because of outside-in coercion. It happens because of inside-out conversion. It doesn’t happen because of a powerful leader. It happens because of a humble sower. It doesn’t happen because of the government’s strategy. It happens because of a germinating seed. It doesn’t happen because of some ruler’s hammer. It happens because of receptive hearts.

Some of us who are more left leaning are thrilled when the Democrats are in office because we think they’re going to help us take care of the poor and the planet. Others of us are excited when the Republicans are in office because we think they’re going to stand up for biblical marriage and stand against abortion.

But Jesus says the kingdom of God comes not because of political parties but because of scattered seed.

And the seed is the Word of God - the gospel of Christ. The seed is tiny. But it packs a big impact when it falls into a receptive heart.

Those persons where the seed sprouts and bears fruit will change not only their own lives but the lives of everyone they touch including the institutions of education, government, entertainment, and commerce.

We would be so much more effective if we focused not on nationalism, denominationalism, sectarianism, tribalism, or any other "ism", but on our role as His agents scattering His seed wherever we go so the kingdom of God will come wherever we are.

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