Tuesday, January 03, 2017

How abiding in Christ is like taking a walk

Walking with God

As I was following along with our church’s Bible reading plan, reconnecting with Old Testament stories about the patriarchs, Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Noah (Genesis 6:9), I saw a characteristic that made these men great for God. It’s simple. The scriptures say that they “walked with God.” 

Insight came. I thought, “I wonder if walking with God is an Old Testament way of expressing the New Testament concept, abiding in Christ.”  I had never thought about this before. I’m probably late for this particular party.

Most of us have taken lots of walks. Think back. Who do you like to take walks with? Why do you like walking with that person? Where do you go? What happens on the walks?

I think of walks with my bride down the beach; walks around the neighborhood; walks in the sunshine; walks when the leaves are vibrant yellow, orange, red, and gold; walks through the newly fallen snow. Usually, something good happens to strengthen our relationship, to deepen it.

Lots of discoveries take place on walks. I enjoyed the high and holy honor of walking to a nearby playground with my then five year old grandson, Ethan. Of course, he had to walk atop the concrete walls beside the cracked sidewalks on Puritas Avenue.  Water slowly leaked from a cracked pipe, trailing across the sidewalk and down the sewer and leaving a trail of green slime behind. That sight inspired us to fashion a tale about a terrifying, purplish, fire-breathing monster coated in... your guessed it - green slime! Both Granda and grandson have imaginations lit on fire because of the simple walk together.

A common denominator is that walking with someone builds your connection. You have a shared experience. You’re in community. Sometimes, the walks are leisurely. Sometimes, they are brisk. Sometimes, you walk in circles just for the sake of the walk. Sometimes, you have a destination in mind. No matter. You are in fellowship. Being together is what counts.

We can take a concept like abiding in Christ and make it way too complex – complicated, difficult. And, dare I say it, too spiritual. But maybe abiding in Christ is more like taking walk with a spouse or a close friend than about being focused on the spiritual disciplines.

Sometimes, on a walk you don’t really have to say anything. Just being with the person - near the person - is enough. Other times, the conversation strolls non-stop - light hearted, upbeat, and energizing. And then, inevitably, if you’re step-by-step with someone close, the conversation turns to difficult things.

Abiding in Christ surely shares those same characteristics. Jesus wants us to simply be with Him. In lockstep. 

The people who are best at abiding in Christ are probably those who keep it simple. They are best at simply walking with Him throughout the day. Sometimes there’s nothing to be said. Other times we have a running dialogue with Jesus; we have things to celebrate. Still other times we have to stop, look Him full in the face, and pour out the hurts and fears and concerns in our hearts.

You say you want to abide in Christ so you can bear much fruit for his glory? (See John 15.) Try taking a walk with Him today.

Maybe it’s just that simple.

Stay in step, side by side, with Jesus.

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