Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Learning how your church can help to reach a UPG in Indonesia

An open letter to pastors and church staff members in NE Ohio.


Happy New Year! May the New Year be your best ever!

I’m sure you would agree that one of the best ways to have a great year in 2017 is to help fulfill the Great Commission by joining with others in reaching what missiologists have called Unreached People Groups (UPGs).

We at Cuyahoga Valley Church (CVC) have adopted a UPG on Pearl Island, Indonesia. 3 million unreached people live on this island. Over the past 3 years, we have sent multiple teams from CVC to share Christ with these people. Our method is of evangelism is to take trips as tourists. We build relationships with the people and learn their culture.

Our hosts are a vibrant young couple, fulltime vocational missionaries with the International Mission Board. We refer to these missionaries as T&K to protect their identity. T&K graciously host our teams when we travel to the island. To be able to live and serve on the island, they have set up a tourist business.

Here’s where you can help. T&K are always looking for new churches to partner with. We would love for you to consider being involved with the amazing things that are happening on the island. In the short time that T&K have invested in Pearl Island they have seen:

·         A handful of new believers come to know Christ, who were once unengaged and unreached.
·         A few of those new believers get baptized.
·         A development of countless of relationships.
·         An openness to conversations with people on the island about the Good News.

We have a special opportunity for you to interact with T&K in order to hear more about how your church can partner to help reach this UPG.

T&K will be visiting Cleveland here in January. This is a unique time because they only travel to the states every 4 years and they are spending a period of their time here with us at CVC. We would like to personally invite you and a guest to a lunch on Friday, January 13 for a time to meet T&K and hear more about how your church might be able to get involved.

I’d ask you to seriously pray about this opportunity because we are seeing some incredible Kingdom movement in this part of the world.

As you take time to prayerfully consider this opportunity, please feel free to reach out with any specific questions you may have. If you plan to attend, would you kindly respond directly to our CVC Missions Assistant, Dahlia Orth, (  Please let her know if you plan to bring a guest.

We will provide more details as the date gets closer. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter during this busy season.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Happy New Year!

Rick Duncan
Founding Pastor, Cuyahoga Valley Church

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