Monday, May 09, 2016

When God is faithful to church planters...

This is a guest post from my friend, Brian Hennon, church planter and founding pastor of The Refuge, a new church near Harrisburg, PA. 

Brian’s life took a lot of twists and turns from wrestling coach to United States Army Journalist. In 1993, at the age of 21, he placed his faith in Jesus Christ and life has never been the same. 

After graduating from Lancaster Bible College in 1998, Brian spent six years at Church of the Open Door in York, PA and then eight years as the Student Ministries Pastor at Living Water Community Church in Harrisburg, PA. Then Brian planted The Refuge. 

I met Brian at a Church Planter Assessment Center in Wisconsin. Like most church planters, Brian has experienced many ups and downs. The following psalm from Brian's heart reflects his experience. 

I love his heart. I love his honesty. I love his courage. I love his faith. I love his faithfulness to God's call. He has done, is doing, and will do heroic work for Jesus. Thank you, Brian!

Who do you know who is planting a church and needs some encouragement? You might want to share Brian's psalm with them.


He who called you is faithful.

When there is excitement and joy…

He who called you is faithful…

When things start unraveling…

He who called you is faithful…

When you have an offering that can’t buy a cup of coffee…

He who called you is faithful.

When a leader throws a temper tantrum…

He who called you is faithful.

When a leader has an affair…

He who called you is faithful.

When an angry leader emails the congregation…

He who called you is faithful.

When someone posts something on Facebook…

He who called you is faithful.

When your rental arrangement falls through…

He who called you is faithful.

When faithful leaders cannot be found…

He who called you is faithful.

When your children are alone in the kid’s ministry…

He who called you is faithful.

When people around you are complaining…

He who called you is faithful.

When someone you baptized walks away…

He who called you is faithful.

When you feel alone…

He who called you is faithful.

When you have to find a way to make extra income…

He who called you is faithful.

When you wonder if you are qualified….

He who called you is faithful.

When someone says you aren’t qualified…

He who called you is faithful.

When you want to give up…

He who called you is faithful.

When you preach your heart out and no one seems to be moved….

He who called you is faithful.

When you receive that phone call…

He who called you is faithful.

When you receive that email…

He who called you is faithful.

When you receive that text…

He who called you is faithful.

When your dreams are deferred…

He who called you is faithful.

When the church looks nothing like you thought it should…

He who called you is faithful.

When half your congregation goes on vacation the same week…

He who called you is faithful.

When there is gossip…

He who called you is faithful.

When friends abandons you…

He who called you is faithful.

When a supporter pressures you…

He who called you is faithful.

When all seems lost…

He who called you is faithful.

When light starts to shine…

He who called you is faithful.

When God starts to move…

He who called you is faithful.

When hope is renewed…

He who called you is faithful.

To all of those in the fight…

He who called you is faithful.

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