Thursday, April 07, 2016

How to help another leader and church fulfill God's vision

This past weekend, I had the privilege of teaching at a church we helped to plant, Renew Communities. My friend and Renew's Lead Pastor, Andy Sikora (above), was out of town visiting with his brother in Texas. 

It was a special honor for me to speak because Renew is at a defining moment in the history of the church. The church is on the verge of getting into a new semi-permanent rental space after renting for 5 years at the Polaris Career Center in Berea, Ohio - setting up and tearing down each Sunday. (You can learn more about Renew's Next5 Vision Night on Sunday April 17 at 6:00 at the Polaris Career Center, 7285 Old Oak Boulevard, Middleburg Heights, Ohio.)

Renew needs to raise about $125,000 in just a few short weeks. I wanted to affirm Andy's leadership and Renew's vision. I wanted to encourage the people of Renew to renew their commitment to do whatever God asks to make the dream come true. In addition, Andy had asked me to give the 3rd message in the series "Jesus Saves" on how the atonement of Jesus brings about restoration not only in the life to come, but also in this life.

So, how could I ever accomplish all that? If you are ever asked to speak in a way that is helpful to see someone else's dreams come true, then maybe my words to Renew could be a template or a resource for you.

I taught from Acts 3:1-21. What follows are my message notes...


"Let me summarize the story. Two followers of Jesus, Peter and John, are headed to the temple to pray. They pass a man who has been lame from birth. Day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year he's been carried to a spot there. He's looking for handout. It's very likely that Jesus and His disciples had passed this man many times before. But this day would be different.

"He's begging for money. Peter says, 'I don't have a dime or a dollar. But what I have I'm going to give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, get up and walk!'

"Peter grabbed him by right hand. He lifted the lame man up. His legs and ankles were strengthened. And the lame man leapt. A restoration had taken place in the name of Jesus by the power of the atonement.

"And all the people who saw this were amazed. They wanted to know what happened. Peter and John are clear. 'This man was not healed because of our power and ingenuity. He was restored because of the power of Jesus Christ.'

"Now, you have to think that some of those people wanted to know how they could have access to that same power. So, Peter gives them a message.

"When we repent and return, Jesus refreshes and restores." 


After I taught through Acts 3:19-21 by emphasizing 4 "re" terms - repent, return, refresh, and restore - I concluded the message with a challenge to the church to be "all in" for the Next5 emphasis of Renew.


"Why did God bring you here today? Who are you supposed identify with in the story?

"Maybe you're just part of the crowd. Today, you are somewhere on the periphery of the story. You're watching things happen. You might be amazed and astonished, even applauding when restoration happens for others. But you're keeping your distance. Today, Jesus is asking you to come close.

"Maybe you are the person who is broken. Maybe you're lame in some area of your life. Maybe God brought you here today to remind you that in the name of Jesus (and because of His atonement) a time of refreshing is possible for you. What's it going to take for you to get your healing, your restoration? Jesus is waiting for you to repent and return.

"Maybe Jesus is asking you to become like Peter and John for someone else. Look around you. Who do you know who's broken? Who needs a time of refreshing? Who needs to be restored? You may not have silver or gold. But you can - in the name of Christ - offer healing and hope to someone who desperately needs it.

"I’ve been looking at your vision here at Renew for the next five years. It’s exciting. You don’t want to miss this next five years!

"But you have to play your part. You’ve got to repent and return to be refreshed and restored. And then you will have an incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be on the ground floor of something great God is doing in NE Ohio through Renew.

6 New Missional Communities
50 Discipleship Huddles
Over 350 worshiping together in our Central Gathering
50 new Salvations and 50 people Baptized
3 New Congregations throughout Northeast Ohio

"Jesus Saves. The atonement means that Jesus restores. He’s on a mission to save more and more people from this broken world. He wants to use Renew – He wants to use you – in a big way to do it.

"You have made and are making history in NE Ohio. I pray that 50 years from now when people write the story of NE Ohio, they will have to write about Renew Communities and what you’ve done here.

"Don’t be a by-stander who just watches it happen. Repent and return and experience your own healing. What’s making you lame? Bring it to Jesus and ask Him to heal you!

"And then… and then… join Jesus on His mission – be like Peter and John – that through His atonement other broken people will be restored – be made to live new at one with God, at one with others, and at one with the world.

"When we repent and return, Jesus refreshes and restores."


I'm hoping that I helped Andy in some small way motivate and mobilize the people of Renew. 

The next time you are able to speak for another pastor, think about how you can help the people buy into that pastor's vision. How will you encourage, inspire, and mobilize?

Helping - even if in a small way - someone else's dream come true is truly fulfilling!

Now, want to help Renew? Here's how! Click on the link provided!  

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