Thursday, February 04, 2016

12 ways to know if an open door is from God

I meet regularly with 2 younger leaders in a discipleship huddle. Both of them face big decisions in ministry. 

"Is this open door before me the door that God wants me to walk through or not? Is this next ministry opportunity going to put me in a place where I can achieve God's best for my life, my family, and my ministry? Is what I am about to do a good idea or a God idea?"

Going through God's open door will result in walking in confidence. You'll still have obstacles in ministry and you'll still be carrying a cross, but you'll also have the sense that you are flourishing and thriving. 

We conducted a brainstorming session at our last huddle meeting. On a large Post-it, I wrote a heading, "How to know if the open door is from God."

Here's what we wrote:

1. Approach the decision prayerfully
2. Decide as an outflow of regular, daily devotions
3. Be consistent with scripture
4. Align the call with the giftings you have
5. Match the call with the desires of your heart
6. Follow your passion - what stirs your soul
7. Develop spousal unity
8. Exercise faith and God-dependence
9.Seek an affinity with the people/community you'll serve
10. Listen for the still, small voice - the internal guidance from the Spirit
11. Seek confirmation from wise counselors
12. Make sure it makes sense financially

We read an article on the topic and compared our thoughts to the principles in the article. 

Then I asked a series of questions I have learned from Mac Lake that you can use for virtually any topic: 

Point of view questions: To identify an obstacle or opportunity
Why is discerning God's will about an open door sometimes hard? What has made it easy or difficult for you? 

Story questions: To identify an insight
Who have you know who did this well? Why were they good at it? What did you learn from them? 

Self-assessment questions: To identify a strength or a growth area
How would you grade yourself? Why do you give yourself that grade? What would you need to do to move your grade from a C to a B or from a B to an A? 

Next step questions: To identify specific and relevant application
What do you think your most significant next step might be? What impact will taking that step have on your life and ministry? Who can help you with that next step?

Our huddle meeting was energizing and passionate. I think we got to know each other better and I think we got to know God better.   

God is on the move opening doors to use his people to accomplish His purposes. He is opening doors for His people to serve Him fruitfully. So, get going! Everything doesn't have to line up perfectly. Be open to God closing the door. As you seek to discern His will and as you seek to walk through an open door, look for small confirmations along the way.

Related posts:
Are you afraid of God's will?
Decision-Making and obedience
Decision-Making and freedom
Decision-Making and trust

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