Sunday, July 19, 2015

A prescription for spiritual revival and awakening

Why do so many Christian teens and young adults leave the faith? I’ve read lots of answers to that question. And you probably have, too.

But let me suggest just one more answer. Why do so many youth and young adults leave the faith? They find the Christian life boring.

You probably know Christian people who live boring lives. Their lives are not interesting or compelling. Christianity has become a set of rules designed to keep everybody in line and to keep everybody safe.

Maybe that's you. Or me.
And rule-keeping and safe-living are not attractive to people who want their lives to be full of adventure and meaning and purpose.

What's the solution? We need the Holy Spirit to impact as fresh wind and fresh fire like He did in Acts 2. When we neglect living in a vital relationship with the Holy Spirit, we will find that our lives as Christians are boring!

“From my perspective, the Holy Spirit is tragically neglected and, for all practical purposes, forgotten. While no evangelical would deny His existence, I’m willing to bet there are millions of churchgoers across America who cannot confidently say they have experienced His presence or action in their lives over the past year. And many of them do not believe they can” (Francis Chan, Forgotten God, p. 15).

But if we will seek to stay in step with God’s Spirit, our lives will be filled with adventure. And if our youth and young adults see enough of us living out a joyous adventure, maybe we will see more and more of them be "all in" with Jesus.

I don’t want to miss out on the adventure of seeing the fullness of God’s presence and power manifested in my life.

So, here's my prescription for me and for you... today.


Pray 3x daily for 7 days...

Lord, help me not to rest until the Spirit comes as fresh wind and fresh fire in my life.
Thank You, Holy Spirit, for living in me.
Help me quench not and grieve not the Spirit.
Fill me, Holy Spirit.
Lead me, Holy Spirit.
Show up as fresh wind and fresh fire in me, through me, and for me.
For Jesus' sake and glory, Amen.


Want to join me in taking this prescription?

I'm all in. What about you? 

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