Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How to get off your ministry treadmill and get back on your missional track

What would happen in your community through your church if you could accerate the multiplication of your leaders?
My guess is that you don't have an opportunity famine. Your opportunities for ministry probably far exceed your capacity.

You're trying to solve every problem, to organize each set-up and tear-down, to run all the church's meetings, to respond to any requests for funerals/weddings/hospital visits, and to clean each toilet in the facility.

Well... maybe it's not that bad! But you know that because of your busy-ness you are missing many of the missional opportunities in your community.

The pressure for you to perform preempts your passion and your productivity. You've turned into what you never wanted to be: Someone who simply reponds appropriately when called upon. You are on the ministry treadmill. You wonder where the missional risk-taker has gone.

We don't have an opportunity famine in our local churches. We have a leadership crisis. We desperately need more missional leaders.

That's why I am excited to announce that a co::LAB for developing a leadership pipeline process for your local church is coming to Ohio. The process will guide your church in understanding current realities in your leadership development system and will redesign it around equipping leaders in the stages of: leading self, leading others, leading leaders, leading a department, leading the organization.

The process we will be going through has been designed and created over the last several years by Mac Lake, founder of the Multiply Group, who now works for NAMB and Auxano. It has been used across a myriad of churches of varying size, denominational backgrounds, and geographic location. Mac, along with me, will be at the helm of guiding the process for our six sessions.

At the end of the six sessions, each church will have created its own, distinctive leadership development strategy and process that aligns with the church's particular context, as well as its mission, vision, and values.

The process is principle based, which allows the outcomes to be distinctive from church to church. The beauty in being rooted in principle is those who participate in the process will have an understanding of the operating philosophy embedded in one another's approach to leadership development, which will create potential opportunities for churches to support one another long after the process creation is complete.

There will be six total sessions, all on Thursdays: September 3, October 1, November 12, January 7, February 11, and March 10. The sessions will be from 10:00am - 3:00pm at LifePoint Church in Columbus, OH-IO. Each participating church may bring up to four participants.

The sessions will be highly collaborative and interactive for team's to work together on their process development and also will feature some teaching and instruction time so participants understand key principles that will be integrated into their process creation;

The process is a high commitment type of journey. Because the process builds from month to month, there is "homework" that each group will need to complete as it creates its leadership development strategy and content over the six sessions.

Since this will be a co::LAB, Auxano is able to keep the costs down. When Mac consults a chuch one-on-one, the cost is usually between $15,000 and $20,000. The cost for the co::LAB in Ohio is $2,500 for each participating church and is limited to the first twelve churches to register. (As of June 24, we already have 6 churches registered.)

To help you determine your need and readiness for the co::LAB, I would encourage your church leadership to access the Leadership Pipeline Assessment which can be found here.

If you're interested in signing up to participate in the co::LAB, you can access the Auxano Consulting Services Agreement here. For more information, contact me, Rick Duncan, at rick@auxano.com.

Accelerate the number of leaders in your church! Design a process of leader development that will help your people lead self, lead others, lead leaders, lead departments, and lead the organization. Do this and you will reclaim your time to dream about mission, to engage in mission, and to facilitate mission - the reason you entered the ministy in the first place!

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