Monday, May 04, 2015

How to design a process to develop more leaders for your church

What if your church had a system that regularly produced leaders who were constantly being equipped to move into more significant areas of responsibility? What if your church was filled with volunteers who knew how to mobilize, equip, monitor, and care for other volunteers so that you were set free to focus on prayer and the Word? What if the best and brightest leaders in your congregation knew they could progress into higher levels of leadership so that their leadership gifts were not squelched, wasted, or used in other places outside the church?

I'm convinced that we lose some of our best leaders because we do not have a clear path for them to follow in order to grow in their influence within our churches. I'm convinced that we fail in our responsibility to spend significant time in the Word and prayer so that we are leading with clarity of vision because we are not efficient and effective in mobilizing and equipping gifted leaders in our churches. I'm convinced that we often scramble to fill volunteer spots in our churches because we don't have systems in place that consistently produce quality leaders.

If any of this has stirred your heart, raised some concerns, or whetted your appetite then perhaps you need to pray about participating in Auxano's Leadership Pipeline co::LAB in Columbus, Ohio at LifePoint Church. Beginning in September 2015, leaders from 12 churches will meet once a month for 6 months to learn how to discover, develop, and deploy a leadership development process unique to their own church setting.

Auxano is one of America's leading organizations that is designed to help church leaders navigate growth challenges with clarity. Auxano's founder Will Mancini has been working with Lead Navigator Mac Lake to design a process by which church leaders can develop a unique approach to leadership development within their congregations. Mac Lake, Lead Navigator with Auxano and Visionary Architect of the Multiply Group, will be our primary presenter. Read about the 4 steps to creating a leadership pipeline here. Read how to fix your leadership pipeline problem here

In the Leadership Pipeline co::LAB, you will learn...

... how to identify the various stages of leadership development needed in your church: leading self, leading others, leading leaders, leading departments, and leading the organization.
... how to identify the core competencies unique to your church in each leadership stage.
... how to train your people in the core competencies in a way that is unique to your setting.
... how to understand and leverage the differences between the 1) preparing, 2) equipping, and 3) inspiring aspects of leadership development and your church.

The Leadership Pipeline co::LAB idea represents a continuous and collaborative (hence the double colon) laboratory to focus on your leadership development process. You and 3 leaders from your church will pray and work together to clarify your plan. The group will be limited to 12 churches. 

The dates for the Columbus co::LAB at Life Point Church, 7719 Graphics Way B, Lewis Center, OH 43035 are:

September 3 - 10:00a-3:00p
October 1 - 10:00a-3:00p
November 12 - 10:00a-3:00p
January 7 - 10:00a-3:00p
February 11 - 10:00a-3:00p
March 10 - 10:00a-3:00p

The cost of the co::LAB will be $2,500 for you and 3 leaders from your church to receive 24 hours of instruction that will be encouraging, practical, and motivating to help you design a leadership development process for your church that will be creative, systematic, and unique. When a Lead Navigator from Auxano consults with one church at a time, the cost for the Leadership Pipeline process typically ranges from $15,000-$20,000 per church.

To help you determine your need and readiness for the co::LAB, I would encourage your church leadership to access the Leadership Pipeline Assessment which can be found here.

If you're interested in signing up to participate in the co::LAB, you can access the Auxano Consulting Services Agreement here. For more information, contact me, Rick Duncan, at

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