Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How to define a Lead Pastor's job in 35 words or less...

I am reading “What’s Best Next” by Matt Perman. Matt worked for John Piper and is a Southern Seminary Grad. Here’s a link to his book.

It’s good. 

Piper says, “This book is simply extraordinary. This is largely because of the way God has wired Matt Perman. His mind is saturated with biblical truth, and he is passionate, sometimes to a fault (as you will see in his personal stories), about being effective for the glory of Christ. Those two traits have combined to produce a God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated book that, without blinking, gets into stuff like Al Mohler’s midnight productivity and Seth Godin’s method for carving out time for work that matters. I doubt there is a person on the planet who knows both theological issues and time management literature to the depth and extent Matt Perman does. This combination is at times mindboggling.”

Matt recommends a Master Weekly Schedule (Ideal Work week) and points to Michael Hyatt's ideal weekly schedule as an example. 

Anyway, for what it’s worth. here’s what I had on my Master Calendar way back in 2013…
From an old Master Weekly Schedule dated January 2003 when I was Lead Pastor at CVC, here's how I tried to prioritize my time as a senior pastor... in less than 35 words. 


1. Provide overall leadership and cast vision - pray and think!

2. Communicate God's Word - study and teach!

3. Develop new and existing leaders - disciple and deploy!

4. Reach the lost - invite and include!

5. Develop stewards - give and encourage!

As I look at this, 12 years later, I think I would at least add "Be an example - love and be loved!" 

But for now. let's just go with what I put on paper on my Master Schedule 12 years ago. 

Question: How would you define the lead pastor's role in 35 words or less?

P.S. I case you didn't hit the link before and want to learn about how to put together a Weekly Master Calendar (an ideal work week)? Check out Michael Hyatt's wise advice here.

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